The Ward Family | Claremore Family Photographer

A few months back, I moved to Claremore with my husband and kids to be nearer to my side of the family after being apart for many years; I never dreamed I would meet so many great people in this small town, but I continue to be surprised every day!

Not knowing anything about how big the ZipperQ events are in Claremore, I stumbled upon a blog article on the More Claremore website via a reposting on Facebook by a new acquaintance of mine. The blog post was written by a mom of a little boy, about the same age as my own son, who is battling a crippling disease called FOP; It was a touching tribute to their everyday trials and I wanted, more than anything, to help in any way possible so I donated a couple of sessions to be auctioned off at their big event on October 3rd. (If you’d like more info, please visit ZipperQ and MoreClaremore)

I excitedly told my family about how I’d donated a couple of sessions and their eyes grew wide because they actually understood the magnitude of the event, lol! As time wore on, I began to see signs, banners and fliers ALL OVER town for ZipperQ – the reality began to sink in.  This was going to be huge and it only made me more excited to be a part of it!

The first winner of the ZipperQ portrait session is Kimberly Ward, a teacher right here in Claremore. From the very start she has been such a warm and upbeat person to talk to and by the time our session rolled around, I was so excited to meet her and her family (people are just so much nicer out here!).

Claremore Photographer

The Ward Family | Claremore, OK

They arrived in perfectly planned and coordinated outfits that just made me melt! I know it sounds silly, but as a photographer with an art background, colors and design really do make me excited, lol!

Kimberly and her family were so easy going and if I didn’t know any better, I say they were natural born models with they way they just fell into poses with ease. I wish I could have a hundred client families just like The Wards. I love saying that I am a Claremore Family Photographer 🙂

Here’s a sneak peek at their session:

If you love their results and would like to talk about setting up your own quick family session (this was shot in 30 minutes!) please contact me here:

Referrals sent by Kimberly and her family will receive a $50 credit towards their session price or a print credit of $50 while Kimberly will also receive a bonus in the same amount!


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